Yoga Retreat Herbst
3.-5. November 2023
Herbstzauber - Harmonie für Körper und Geist
beim Yoga Retreat
Nimm dir das Wochenende Zeit für ein einzigartiges Yoga-Erlebnis. Bianca und Juan Carlos laden dich ein, Momente voller Harmonie für Körper, Geist und Seele zu geniessen. Das Hotel Alexander liegt direkt am See, umgeben von kraftvoller und wunderschöner Natur, im Rücken geschützt von der majestätischen Rigi.
Wir beginnen jeden Morgen mit meditativen Momenten, Atemübungen und einer dynamischen Asana-Praxis, um mit Stabilität, Balance und neuer Energie in den Tag zu starten. Nachmittags kannst du die Kraft der Natur beim geführten Waldbaden erleben und danach deine innere Ruhe bei einer Yin- oder Restorative-Yoga-Klasse finden. Am Abend wirst du dann zu einer Yoga Nidra- oder Klangmeditationsreise eingeladen, um vollständig zu entspannen und deinen Geist zu beruhigen.
unsere Teacher am Yoga Retreat
3. to 6. November 2023
Friday from 15:00
Check - in
Check in at the Hotel
Welcome / organisational
Saal 3
We will welcome you and give you all relevant information.
16:30 - 18:00
Alignment Foundations with Juan Carlos (EN)
Saal 3
In this class we are going to set the fundamental actions that are going to serve us to create a safe and efficient yoga practice. We will work on the stability of the physical body in order to set a solid ground to increase the conscious perception of the subtle bodies.
20:00 - 21.30
Returning to the Self with Bianca and Juan Carlos (EN)
Saal 3
Relaxing in the physical body, softening the breath, slowing down the monkey mind. This session is about stepping away from the everyday, from the routine, and giving ourselves space and time to look inward. Tension is what we think we are, relaxation is who we are.
Samstag 07:30 - 08:15
Pranayama & Meditation with Juan Carlos (EN)
Saal 3
Tea & fruits
Saal 3
08:45 - 10:30
Unwinding the Spine with Juan Carlos (EN)
Saal 3
A class focused on the different movments of the spine, to release tensions and increase the energy flow in the body. By releasing tensions in the spine we are working directly in relation to the organs, each of the vertebrea are connected to an organ. The health of your spine is directly related to the health of the entire body.
Leisure time
You have time to relax, do wellness or whatever you feel like
13:30 - 15:30
Forest bathing with Petra von Rotz-Camenzind (DE)
16:00 - 18:00
LSD Long Slow Deep, Yin Restorative with Bianca (EN)
Saal 3
Taking time to feel the essence of slow movements, longer holds in the asanas, and going deep into the tissues and organs to calm the nervous system, release stagnation, open energy blocks, and increase restoration and regeneration of the physical, mental and energetical bodies.
20:00 - 21.30
Journey through the Chakras with Bianca and Juan Carlos (EN)
Saal 3
Yoga Nidra, also known als Yogic Sleep is a deep state of meditation where the body and mind are taken into sleep state relaxation, but the consiousness is awake and aware, resulting in higher states of consiousness, openness to higher dimensions, and rebalancing of the nervous system. We will travel though the Chakras bringing awareness to any blocks and recalibrating the energy flow. We will incorporate healing sound and vibrations during this session.
Sonntag 07:30 - 08:15
Pranayama & Meditation with Bianca (EN)
Saal 3
Tea & fruits
Saal 3
08:45 - 10:30
Dragon Flow with Bianca (EN)
Saal 3
Igniting the fire within you and activating the internal heat to increase the healthy function of the metabolism, the heart, and the breath. A dynamic practice that moves through the whole body leaving you feeling alive, energized and full of internal power, ready to face whatever may come your way.
Leisure time
Time to relax, do wellness or whatever you feel like
Location Hotel Alexander
Hotel Alexander Weggis
Das Hotel Alexander ist modern und ruhig gelegen. Zur Einrichtung gehören ein Empfangsbereich mit Réception und WLAN (gratis). Zu den gastronomischen Angeboten zählen ein Restaurant mit Menüwahl, Sonnenterrasse und gegen Süden gerichtete Loggia mit wunderbarer See- und Bergsicht sowie eine Bar. Parkplatz gratis, Garage gegen Gebühr.
Fitnessraum, Verleih von Fahrrädern und Nordic-Walking-Stöcken. Wellness: 1500 m2 grosse Wohlfühlwelt «Vitalis» mit Saunen, Dampfbädern, Whirlpools, Hallenbad mit Massagedüsen, Ruheräumen mit Wasserbetten.